We provide highly successful training in the Ada language, since 1986. Our
courses are based upon our extensive Ada development experience and
unique opportunities to work with literally the best real-time Ada people in the world.
Key Benefits
 | Real-world information based upon over 30 years of Ada development
experience |
 | Polished material and presentations |
 | Mature, in-depth courses offered since 1986 |
 | Free after-course language support via e-mail |
 | Reflects work in the Ada Run-Time Environment Working Group, the international focus
group for real-time systems in Ada |
 | Reflects work with the University of York's Real-Time
Systems Group, the leading hard real-time scheduling research team |
 | Reflects work with the NASA/UHCL Software Engineering Research Center, which brought Ada
to NASA and the International Space Station |
We offer Ada courses in a number of areas. The
buttons above provide specific descriptions and course content, or follow the links
below. Note that we can tailor any course to your
specific needs. All courses include a copy of the presentation slides,
laboratory exercises, and (optionally) textbooks.
- Embedded/Real-Time Programming In Ada
- A very advanced course dealing with issues and techniques rather than syntax and
semantics. Find out how to guarantee deadlines with Ada's deterministic tasking,
how to make your own deterministic schedulers and storage managers, and much more.
These are the things you need to know how to do, and they are now directly supported by
- Object-Oriented Programming In Ada
- An in-depth examination of the first internationally standardized
object-oriented programming language's extensive support for OOP. Everything you
wanted to know, and where to look for more.
- Production Programming In Ada
- The features necessary for real-world "production" programming, including some
advanced topics, such as exceptions, and all other features necessary to produce real
- Advanced Programming In Ada
- The more complex language features necessary for designing systems, such as tasking,
access types, and generics are covered here. Lead software architects need this
Contact us if you have any questions! For
more information about Ada, visit the Ada
Information Clearinghouse! |